Thursday, February 2, 2023

Keeping the Converstaion Ongoing with Your Student: Digital Citizenship Resources

 As we jump  into the second half of our school year we will be reviewing some of our Digital Citizenship expectations for our class. This is also a great time for you to start, revisit, to continue the conversation with your child about what Digital Citizenship looks like in your home. I have included a list or resources that you can use to help with, what I hope will be, ongoing converstaions about Digital Citizenship. 

Brainpop: Digital Citizenship Videos. Videos, Quizzes and Games discussing all things pertaining to

digital citizenship. 

Common Sense Media: the nation’s leading nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of all kids and

families by providing trustworthy information. 

Edutopia: Modeling Constructive Online Behavior: Students learn best through modeling, so don’t shy away from showing your kids your

social media and how they can safely use it. 

Edutopia: Teaching Students to Analyze Fake News: Not everything we see or read on the internet is true, but how can we tell? 

NetSafe Utah Parents: Local resources specific to Utah, including hot to get help, discussion topics to start

conversations and much more! 

Stay Safe Online: National Cybersecurity Alliance -Raising Digital Citizens. National guidelines for keeping

kids safe online. 

10 Online Safety Tips for Gaming: 10 great guidelines to make sure your kids are safe when they are playing online. 

Reliable Resources for You and Your Child: Here is a list of websites you and your student can use to find reliable information.

Utah’s Online School Library: Utah's Online School Library is a virtual library designed for Utah K-12 students and teachers

Encyclopedia Britannica: Online Encyclopedia

CNN: CNN Digital is the world leader in online news and information and seeks to inform, engage and empower the world.

BBC:  Impartial and independent, and every day we create distinctive, world-class programmes and content which inform, educate and entertain millions of people in the UK and around the world. works with a wide range of writers and editors to create accurate and informative content. All articles are regulary reviewed and updated by the team.

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Welcome to Mrs. Porter's First Grade Class

  Welcome to Mrs. Porter's First Grade Class!

 Why do we have a classroom blog?

  • When students publish their work for an audience beyond their teacher it increases their engagement and motivation.

  • I believe that through maintaining our classroom blog students have the opportunity to learn about appropriate online behavior in an authentic and supervised setting.

  • We can foster a strong home-school relationship, and provide a virtual window to the classroom.

Internet Safety:Internet safety is extremely important to me! I will be adhering to the following guidelines to ensure the safety of our students, and ask that you do the same. 

What will be included on the blog:

    1. Student's first names, work samples, and videos. 

    2. Student's last names, addresses, emails, date or birth, or other personal information WILL NOT be included on the blog. 


  • Students, their families are encouraged to comment on the blog. 

  • All comments will be approved by Mrs. Porter before they are included on our classroom blog. 

  • Parents who leave comments are encouraged to use their first name only and their child's first name, for example: John - Sally's dad. 

  • All comments must be polite, respectful and courteous. 

  • Parent's are asked to proofread comments that students write at home. 

I ask all members of our community to please let me know if they feel like any of our guidelines have been breached, or if they have any further questions. 

Please fill out the consent form by following this link:

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Fall Science

As part of our Science unit Discovering our Five Senses please complete the following worksheet (that will be sent home with your child in their homework folder) with your students and return to class on Friday. If your child would like to bring in some of the items they saw, heard, touched, tasted, or smelled there will be time for them to share them with the class on Friday.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Parts of a Plant

In Science we are studying the parts of the plant. Please work with your child to help them label the different parts of the plant. Your child should be able to tell you what each part does.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Telling Time

Now that we are nearing the end of our first month in First Grade students should have a good understanding of how to tell time to the hour and half-hour. Please complete this homework page and return it to school tomorrow. (Look for it in homework folders).

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Apple Math

Along with our Apple Unit that we have been doing we have also been learning basic addition. This worksheet will be in homework folders tonight and should be returned to school tomorrow! 

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Fact Families

Fact families are important for your child to know. By seeing addition and subtraction facts grouped together it makes it easier for students to memorize these groups of numbers. Please complete this together and return to school in homework folders.